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SQL Data Access Demos (old)

New Alternate Tutorial (2019)

We suggest you use the new razor tutorial to learn how to do these things. This old tutorial still demos some edge cases not described there, which is why we still provide it. 

SQL Data Access Demos

Try the various views in this App to discover how we access SQL data with the following variations:

  1. Read the SQL-DB using a SqlReader
  2. Read the SQL-DB using a DataTable
  3. Retrieve the same data using PetaPoco
  4. Use the automated version with DataPipelines (the SqlDataSource)
  5. A manual method showing how you could use any kind of data and just inject it into the DataTableDataSource
  6. Also demonstrates
    1. how to enable JSON-Publishing in code (very common requirement)
    2. how 2SexyContent automatically calls the CustomizeData() method

Have fun :)

Important notes:

  • Needs 2SexyContent 6.0.6.

System Info

v. 00.00.01
GUID: 57465f16-ca82-49ca-907e-6f1ee4ff4e0c

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