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#3 Custom Dynamic DataSources - Data Relationships
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Custom Dynamic DataSources - Data Relationships

Data can have relationships to other data, allowith code to navigate from one to the other.

The TreeBasic DataSource creates a list of entities which point to the children. This is a simple example how to establish relationships between generated data.

In this example, every entity has a SubItems property, which contains the IDs of the related children. IDs are a common way to declare relationships, but there are other options as well.

⬇️ Result | Source ➡️

Example Reading some Data

  • Root name: Root Node
  • Root ID: 1
  • Item count in field SubItems: 1
  • Title of first child: Sub Item 101
  • Looping through children of Root
    • Sub Item 101

Show Tree of Data

  • Item: Root Node (id: 1)
    • Sub-Items on field SubItems - found 2
      • Item: Sub Item 101 (id: 101)
        • Sub-Items on field SubItems - found 2
          • Item: Sub Item 1011 (id: 1011)
          • Item: Sub Item 1012 (id: 1012)
      • Item: Sub Item 102 (id: 102)

Flat List of Items 5

  • Root Node (#1)
  • Sub Item 101 (#101)
  • Sub Item 102 (#102)
  • Sub Item 1011 (#1011)
  • Sub Item 1012 (#1012)
@inherits Custom.Hybrid.RazorTyped
@using ToSic.Razor.Blade
@using System.Linq
@using ToSic.Eav.DataSources

  var tree = Kit.Data.GetSource(name: "TreeBasic");

  var root = AsItem(tree.List.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EntityId == 1));

  var rootSubItems = AsItems(root.Child("SubItems"));
<h3>Example Reading some Data</h3>
  <li>Root name: @root.Title</li>
  <li>Root ID: @root.Id</li>
  <li>Item count in <em>field</em> <code>SubItems</code>: @rootSubItems.Count()</li>
  <li>Title of first child: @rootSubItems.First().Title</li>
    Looping through children of Root
      @foreach (var child in AsItems(root.Child("SubItems"))) {

@* TODO:: Typed model  *@
@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Tree.cshtml", 
  new { Title = "Show Tree of Data", Root = root, SubNodeNames = "SubItems" })

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Data List.cshtml", 
  new { Title = "Flat List of Items", Data = tree })

Source Code of TreeBasic.cs

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class TreeBasic : Custom.DataSource.DataSource16
  public TreeBasic(MyServices services) : base(services, "My.Magic")
    ProvideOut(() => {     
      return new List<object> {
        // Root has ID 1 and points to 2 children
        CreateNode(1, "Root Node", new [] { 101, 102 }),
        // This is a subnode, with 2 more children
        CreateNode(101, "Sub Item 101", new [] { 1011, 1012 }),
        CreateNode(102, "Sub Item 102"),
        CreateNode(1011, "Sub Item 1011"),
        CreateNode(1012, "Sub Item 1012"),

  private object CreateNode(int id, string title, int[] relationships = null) {
    return new {
      Id = id,
      Title = title,
      // To reference another item in the same list,
      // create an anonymous object with "Relationships" as an Enumerable, Array or List
      SubItems = new { Relationships = relationships }

The previous example only allowed navigating down from parent to children. To allow the children to know the parent, we can also provide that relationship.

⬇️ Result | Source ➡️

Show Tree of Data

  • Item: Root Node (id: 1)
    • Sub-Items on field SubItems - found 2
      • Item: Sub Item 101 (id: 101)
        Parent (field Parent): Root Node (id: 1)
        • Sub-Items on field SubItems - found 2
          • Item: Sub Item 1011 (id: 1011)
            Parent (field Parent): Sub Item 101 (id: 101)
          • Item: Sub Item 1012 (id: 1012)
            Parent (field Parent): Sub Item 101 (id: 101)
      • Item: Sub Item 102 (id: 102)
        Parent (field Parent): Root Node (id: 1)

Flat List of Items 5

  • Root Node (#1)
  • Sub Item 101 (#101)
  • Sub Item 102 (#102)
  • Sub Item 1011 (#1011)
  • Sub Item 1012 (#1012)
@inherits Custom.Hybrid.RazorTyped
@using ToSic.Razor.Blade
@using System.Linq
@using ToSic.Eav.DataSources

  var tree = Kit.Data.GetSource(name: "TreeBasicWithParents");
  var root = AsItem(tree.List.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EntityId == 1));
@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Tree.cshtml",
  new { Title = "Show Tree of Data", Root = root, SubNodeNames = "SubItems", ParentField = "Parent" })

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Data List.cshtml", 
  new { Title = "Flat List of Items", Data = tree })

Source Code of TreeBasicWithParents.cs

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class TreeBasicWithParents : Custom.DataSource.DataSource16
  public TreeBasicWithParents(MyServices services) : base(services, "My.Magic")
    ProvideOut(() => {     
      return new List<object> {
        // Root has ID 1 and points to 2 children
        CreateNode(1, "Root Node", 0, new [] { 101, 102 }),
        // This is a subnode, with 2 more children
        CreateNode(101, "Sub Item 101", 1, new [] { 1011, 1012 }),
        CreateNode(102, "Sub Item 102", 1),
        CreateNode(1011, "Sub Item 1011", 101),
        CreateNode(1012, "Sub Item 1012", 101),

  private object CreateNode(int id, string title, int parent, int[] relationships = null) {
    return new {
      Id = id,
      Title = title,
      // To reference another item in the same list,
      // create an anonymous object with "Relationships" as an Enumerable, Array or List
      SubItems = new { Relationships = relationships },
      Parent = new { Relationships = parent }

The previous example used the Id number of items to establish a relationship. But there are many cases, where no ID-number exists. For example, data coming from a WebService or files might just have a string identifier.

The following example establishes the relationship based on a Path string:

  • Each item has a Path which is a reliably identifier
  • To tell the relationship manager that we have more keys, we must add a RelationshipKeys property
  • The RelationshipKeys can have many keys for advanced reasons, so it's an array
  • In this example, we just add the Path to the list of keys
  • In this example, the parent supplies a list of paths which it expects to have as children

⬇️ Result | Source ➡️

Show Tree of Data

  • Item: Root Node (id: 1)
    • Sub-Items on field SubItems - found 2
      • Item: Sub Item 101 (id: 2)
        • Sub-Items on field SubItems - found 2
          • Item: Sub Item 1011 (id: 4)
          • Item: Sub Item 1012 (id: 5)
      • Item: Sub Item 102 (id: 3)

Flat List of Items 5

  • Root Node (#1)
  • Sub Item 101 (#2)
  • Sub Item 102 (#3)
  • Sub Item 1011 (#4)
  • Sub Item 1012 (#5)
@inherits Custom.Hybrid.RazorTyped
@using ToSic.Razor.Blade
@using System.Linq
@using ToSic.Eav.DataSources

  var tree = Kit.Data.GetSource(name: "TreeChildPaths");
  var root = AsItem(tree.List.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EntityId == 1));

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Tree.cshtml",
  new { Title = "Show Tree of Data", Root = root, SubNodeNames = "SubItems", ParentField = "Parent" })

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Data List.cshtml", 
  new { Title = "Flat List of Items", Data = tree })

Source Code of TreeChildPaths.cs

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class TreeChildPaths : Custom.DataSource.DataSource16
  public TreeChildPaths(MyServices services) : base(services, "My.Magic")
    ProvideOut(() => {
      return new List<object> {
        // Root has path "/" and points to 2 children
        CreateNode("/", "Root Node", new [] { "/101", "/102" }),
        // This is a subnode, with 2 more children
        CreateNode("/101", "Sub Item 101", new [] { "/101/1011", "/101/1012" }),
        CreateNode("/102", "Sub Item 102", null),
        CreateNode("/101/1011", "Sub Item 1011", null),
        CreateNode("/101/1012", "Sub Item 1012", null),

  private object CreateNode(string path, string title, string[] relationships = null) {
    return new {
      Title = title,
      Path = path,
      // To reference another item in the same list,
      // create an anonymous object with "Relationships" as an Enumerable, Array or List
      SubItems = new { Relationships = relationships },
      RelationshipKeys = new [] { path },

The previous example used the Path of children to establish a relationship. But in real life, it's often the other way around. Usually the children know what parent they belong to. The following example establishes the relationship based on a Parent Path string:

  • In this example, we just add the parent path to the list of keys
  • Since the own path is used to establish the relationship, it will find all items which have the own path as a relationship key

⬇️ Result | Source ➡️

Show Tree of Data

  • Item: Root Node (id: 1)
    • Sub-Items on field SubItems - found 2
      • Item: Sub Item 101 (id: 2)
        • Sub-Items on field SubItems - found 2
          • Item: Sub Item 1011 (id: 4)
          • Item: Sub Item 1012 (id: 5)
      • Item: Sub Item 102 (id: 3)

Flat List of Items 5

  • Root Node (#1)
  • Sub Item 101 (#2)
  • Sub Item 102 (#3)
  • Sub Item 1011 (#4)
  • Sub Item 1012 (#5)
@inherits Custom.Hybrid.RazorTyped
@using ToSic.Razor.Blade
@using System.Linq
@using ToSic.Eav.DataSources

  var tree = Kit.Data.GetSource(name: "TreeParentPaths");
  var root = AsItem(tree.List.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EntityId == 1));

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Tree.cshtml",
  new { Title = "Show Tree of Data", Root = root, SubNodeNames = "SubItems", ParentField = "Parent" })

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Data List.cshtml", 
  new { Title = "Flat List of Items", Data = tree })

Source Code of TreeParentPaths.cs

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class TreeParentPaths : Custom.DataSource.DataSource16
  public TreeParentPaths(MyServices services) : base(services, "My.Magic")
    ProvideOut(() => {
      return new List<object> {
        // Root has ID 1 and points to 2 children
        CreateNode("/", "Root Node"),
        // This is a subnode, with 2 more children
        CreateNode("/101", "Sub Item 101", "/"),
        CreateNode("/102", "Sub Item 102", "/"),
        CreateNode("/101/1011", "Sub Item 1011", "/101"),
        CreateNode("/101/1012", "Sub Item 1012", "/101"),

  private object CreateNode(string path, string title, string parent = null) {
    return new {
      Title = title,
      Path = path,
      // This says that the sub-items all use the key
      // of the current item because they point to the parent
      // so the child points to the parent, not the parent to the child
      SubItems = new { Relationships = path },
      RelationshipKeys = new [] { parent },

This is a very advanced example, where we create different types of data on different streams and establish relationships.

  • The folders and files all just know about their own data, and about the parent
  • Folders find their subfolders by asking for all items having a key like folder-in:/101
  • Folders find their subfiles by asking for all items having a key like file-in:/101
  • Folders and files find their parent by asking for all (one expected) items having a key like folder:/

⬇️ Result | Source ➡️

Show Tree of Data

  • Item: Folder '/' (id: 1)
    Parent (field Parent): Folder '/' (id: 1)
    • Sub-Items on field Folders - found 2
      • Item: Folder '/101' (id: 2)
        Parent (field Parent): Folder '/101' (id: 2)
        • Sub-Items on field Folders - found 2
          • Item: Folder '/101/1011' (id: 3)
            Parent (field Parent): Folder '/101/1011' (id: 3)
          • Item: Folder '/101/1012' (id: 4)
            Parent (field Parent): Folder '/101/1012' (id: 4)
        • Sub-Items on field Files - found 1
          • Item: File Text in 101.txt (id: 5)
            Parent (field Parent): Folder '/101' (id: 2)
      • Item: Folder '/102' (id: 6)
        Parent (field Parent): Folder '/102' (id: 6)
    • Sub-Items on field Files - found 2
      • Item: File Test.txt (id: 7)
        Parent (field Parent): Folder '/' (id: 1)
      • Item: File Image.jpg (id: 8)
        Parent (field Parent): Folder '/' (id: 1)

Flat List of All Items 8

  • Folder '/' (#1)
  • Folder '/101' (#2)
  • Folder '/101/1011' (#3)
  • Folder '/101/1012' (#4)
  • File Text in 101.txt (#5)
  • Folder '/102' (#6)
  • File Test.txt (#7)
  • File Image.jpg (#8)

Flat List of Folders 5

  • Folder '/' (#1)
  • Folder '/101' (#2)
  • Folder '/101/1011' (#3)
  • Folder '/101/1012' (#4)
  • Folder '/102' (#6)

Flat List of Files 5

  • Folder '/' (#1)
  • Folder '/101' (#2)
  • Folder '/101/1011' (#3)
  • Folder '/101/1012' (#4)
  • Folder '/102' (#6)
@inherits Custom.Hybrid.RazorTyped
@using ToSic.Razor.Blade
@using System.Linq
@using ToSic.Eav.DataSources

  var tree = Kit.Data.GetSource(name: "TreeFoldersAndFiles");
  var root = AsItem(tree.List.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EntityId == 1));

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Tree.cshtml",
  new { Title = "Show Tree of Data", Root = root, SubNodeNames = "Folders,Files", ParentField = "Parent" })

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Data List.cshtml", 
  new { Title = "Flat List of All Items", Data = tree })

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Data List.cshtml", 
  new { Title = "Flat List of Folders", Data = tree["Folders"] })

@Html.Partial("../../tut-sys/show/data/Show Data List.cshtml", 
  new { Title = "Flat List of Files", Data = tree["Folders"] })

Source Code of TreeFoldersAndFiles.cs

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class TreeFoldersAndFiles : Custom.DataSource.DataSource16
  public TreeFoldersAndFiles(MyServices services) : base(services)
    // The "Default" stream contains both files and folders
    ProvideOut(() => {
      return new List<object> {
        CreateFolder("/", ""),            // Root Folder
          CreateFolder("/", "101"),       // Subfolder 101
            CreateFolder("/101", "1011"),
            CreateFolder("/101", "1012"),
            CreateFile("/101", "Text in 101.txt"),
          CreateFolder("/", "102"),       // Subfolder 102
          CreateFile("/", "Test.txt"),    // File in Root folder
          CreateFile("/", "Image.jpg"),   // File in Root Folder
    ProvideOut(() => TryGetOut("Default").Where(f => !f.Get<bool>("IsFile")), name: "Folders");
    ProvideOut(() => TryGetOut("Default").Where(f => f.Get<bool>("IsFile")), name: "Files");

  private object CreateFile(string path, string name) {
    var parentPath = path.ToLowerInvariant();
    var fullPath = (parentPath + "/" + name).ToLowerInvariant();
    return new {
      IsFile = true,
      Path = fullPath,
      Title = "File " + name,

      // Parent is the entity (one expected) which has a key saying they are this folder
      Parent = new { Relationships = "folder:" + parentPath },

      // Declare keys for anything that wants a relationship to this file
      RelationshipKeys = new [] {
        "file:" + fullPath,       // things that explicitly need this file
        "file-in:" + parentPath   // the parent folder will look for all of its files
  private object CreateFolder(string parent, string name) {
    parent = parent.ToLowerInvariant();
    var path = (parent + (parent.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + name).ToLowerInvariant();
    var parentPath = (path == "/" ? "" : parent).ToLowerInvariant();
    return new {
      IsFile = false,
      Path = path,
      Title = "Folder '" + path + "'",
      // Files should list all files which have this folder as parent
      Files = new { Relationships = "file-in:" + path },
      // Folders should list all folders which have this folder as parent
      Folders = new { Relationships = "folder-in:" + path },
      // Parent should point to the folder which is the parent of this folder
      Parent = new { Relationships = "folder:" + path },

      // Declare keys for anything that wants a relationship to this folder
      RelationshipKeys = new [] {
        "folder:" + path,           // things that explicitly need this folder
        "folder-in:" + parentPath,  // the parent folder will look for all of its files

This example will change how the automatic ID is generated, what the ContentTypeName is, and which field to use for the EntityTitle.

⬇️ Result | Source ➡️

Data in the DataSource (4)

  • Greeting from FactoryOptions (id: 1000, type: MyContentType/MyContentType - ToSic.Eav.Data.ContentType)
  • Greeting from FactoryOptions (id: 1001, type: MyContentType/MyContentType - ToSic.Eav.Data.ContentType)
  • Greeting from FactoryOptions (id: 1002, type: MyContentType/MyContentType - ToSic.Eav.Data.ContentType)
  • Greeting from FactoryOptions (id: 1003, type: MyContentType/MyContentType - ToSic.Eav.Data.ContentType)
@inherits Custom.Hybrid.RazorTyped
@using ToSic.Razor.Blade
@using System.Linq
@using ToSic.Eav.DataSources
  var dsWithOptions = Kit.Data.GetSource(name: "FactoryOptions");
<h3>Data in the DataSource (@dsWithOptions.List.Count())</h3>
  @foreach (var item in AsItems(dsWithOptions)) {
      <strong>@item.Title</strong> (id: @item.Id, type: @item.Type)


#3 Custom Dynamic DataSources - Data Relationships