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Formulas Tutorials

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Get Started with Formulas

Create Your First Formula

We'll show you how customize your 2sxc edit forms using formulas

In this tutorial you'll learn how to:

  1. Create new formulas for your content fields
  2. Choose the correct target type
  3. Add the formula script

Important: Now using Formulas V2 🆕 in 2sxc 16
Formulas V2 has intellisense, stoppability, support for promises and more.

Try it:

    This formula determines the visibility of the Description field. It only becomes visible when the Title field isn't empty.

    Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

    Formulas of FormulasBasic.Description

    Setting Visible (Formula-Target: Field.Settings.Visible)

    // Show the field when the title isn't empty any more
    v2((data) => {
      return data.Title != "";

    How to Create / Add a New Formula

    For this example we'll create a formula, that makes the description field visible, once the title has been set.

    First: Enter the Developer mode by pressing CTRLShiftAlt and clicking on a 2sxc dialog. Navigate to the items of your content type in 2sxc.

    Follow the instructions on the images below ⬇️.

    Note: You can access other value in the item using the passed data. See data and context object docs for additional information.

    Navigate to the items of your content type in 2sxc. Click on a item and press the Formulas button.This should bring up the formulas editor. Select the attribute from the dropdown, on which the formula should be set.Select the formula target from the next dropdown. Depending on the chosen attribute available targets can vary due to the content type.Click on edit to make the formula function editable.Now you can write your formula function and test it by clicking on the run button. You will see a change in the current edit form and the result after running it.

    Formulas affecting Values

    We'll show you examples where formulas can be applied to set the Value in many ways.

    Try it:

      This formula sets the value of a field if it's empty. As long as it's not empty, the user can type anything he/she wants. 

      Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

      Formulas of FormulasIfEmpty.Title

      Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

      v2((data) => {
        if (data.value) return data.value;
        return "This field should never be empty";

      Try it:

        This formula combines the values of 3 fields into a URL Slug. 

        Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

        Formulas of FormulasCombineValues.UrlKey

        Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

        v2((data) => {
          const prefix = (data.Country + '-' + data.Language).toLowerCase();
          const titleSlug = data.Title.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,'-').replace(/[^\w-]+/g,'');
          return prefix + "-" + titleSlug;

        Try it:

          This formula is very advanced, and will initialize a fields value (if empty) from a WebAPI call.

          🆕 in v2 all formulas returning a promise are stopped by default!
          This is why the code is much simpler compared to v1.

          If ever necessary, the promise returned can specify to not stop the formula, but we don't need this for the current demo.

          Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

          Formulas of FormulasWebApiText.Title

          Field.Settings.Disabled (Formula-Target: Field.Settings.Disabled)

          v2((data) => {
            // Only enable once data has been loaded
            return !data.Title;

          Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

          v2((data, context) => {
            // for demo reasons, don't do this till start is toggled.
            if (!data.Start) return data.value;
            // Call the sxc web-api controller from other tutorials
            return context.sxc.webApi.fetchJson('app/auto/api/basic/hello')
              .then(data => {
                console.log('got data', data); // log for demo reasons
                return data; // Use the result as the new value

          Try me:

            A formula can now also set the values of other fields.

            This is great when something like a dropdown-select should reset another dropdown.

            Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

            Formulas of FormulasSetMany.Master

            Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

            // new formula syntax - see
            v2((data) => {
              if (!data.value) return;
              return {
                fields: [
                  { name: "Slave1", value: "Slave1 set by master which has " + data.value },
                  { name: "Slave2", value: "Slave2 also set by master"}

            Date Formulas

            Dates can be a bit tricky to get right, so we created special tutorials for this.

            Try it:

              This formula sets the third field to the current date/time + an offset the user can choose in a dropdown. 
              Note that since we do some calculations, we must make sure the result is time-zone cleaned. 

              Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

              Formulas of FormulasDates.PublishWhen

              Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

              v2((data) => {
                const now = new Date();
                const add = data.PublishIn || 0;
                const offset = -now.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
                return now.setHours(now.getHours() + add + offset);

              Try it:

                This formula sets the initial value to the current date (if the field is empty). You can try it by deleting the value, once you leave the field it's updated again. 

                Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

                Formulas of FormulasDates.RightNow

                Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

                v2((data) => {
                  // don't change if already has a value
                  if (data.value) return data.value;
                  // if it's empty, get the current date/time
                  return new Date();