This is used for showing an image, and we won't go into much detail, because you probably already know this one. It shows the same picture as jpg, png and webp:
⬇️ Result | Source ➡️
(jpg 15k)
(png 11k - note the dithering)
(webp 8k)
@inherits Custom.Hybrid.Razor14
var imgPath = App.Path + "/assets/img-resize";
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm"><img loading="lazy" src="@imgPath/koi-400.jpg"> <br> (jpg 15k)</div>
<div class="col-sm"><img loading="lazy" src="@imgPath/koi-400.png"> <br> (png 11k - note the dithering)</div>
<div class="col-sm"><img loading="lazy" src="@imgPath/koi-400.webp"> <br> (webp 8k)</div>