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Introducing Shake: Mobile Content Editing just turned Sexy

Two years ago we started planing for full mobile editing, and realized that various challenges had to be solved, like:

  1. mobile-device capable scripts (solved with AngularJS in V8)
  2. responsive WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE in V8.1)
  3. ultra-fast image / attachment upload (ADAM in V8 and Libraries in 8.3)
  4. responsive edit dialog (Material Design in V8.5)
  5. edit-toolbar which doesn't need mouse-over (now solved with Shake in 8.6)

Most of these things were solved during the last two years, especially the updated material-design we introduced in 2sxc 8.5. Now we tackled the mouse-over with a solution which we believe is awesome!

Shake to Edit

Our newest revolution on 2sxc is shake support to show in-page editing buttons. Shake it!

Here's a quick gif-animation demonstrating the Shake!

Internally it uses the browser-API to detect motion, and if the motion is strong enough, it will toggle a CSS class which will auto-show all floating toolbars. We believe this provides a real added value!

Try it on the latest release of 2sxc 8.6

We hope you love it too, please give us feedback :)

Daniel Mettler grew up in the jungles of Indonesia and is founder and CEO of 2sic internet solutions in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, an 20-head web specialist with over 800 DNN projects since 1999. He is also chief architect of 2sxc (see github), an open source module for creating attractive content and DNN Apps.

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