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App Configuration

Important: new docs available

This information has been improved so it's best to continue in the new docs.
This page is currently still left here so old links will continue to work, but the content is not updated any more.

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These are old docs and we haven't found the time to completely move them. You will find comprehensive new docs on

Introduced in Version 06.00.00

Apps have various configuration settings - which is different from the App-Settings and App-Resources. This is what they usually look like: 

We have these settings

  1. Display Name
    The name shown in the app-picker for the content-editor. It is also used to name the ZIP-package if you ever export the app.
  2. Description
    Just an informative description
  3. Version
    A version number, will also be used in the package-name when exporting
  4. Folder
    The folder within the [portal]/2sxc/ where all the templates, javascripts and other assets are stored. If you touch this, remember to rename the folder as well. 
  5. Allow Token Templates
    Just a yes/no if these are allowed in this package. At the moment it has no effect, just for your own information. At a later time it may prevent certain templates from working if disabled. 
  6. Allow Razor Templates
    Same as Allow Token Templates.
  7. Original Id
    A (optional) guid of the original App which was used to generate this current App. This is only important, if you reset the App-Guid when exporting it; it will help show the correct Getting-Started in the App even if the App-Guid was reset. 
  8. Required Version (added in 08.03.03)
    Is used to check if the app can run, or otherwise warn the user. It will use the .net version compare.
    Example value: "08.03.00"
  9. Required DNN Version (added in 08.03.03)
    Is used to check if the app can run, or otherwise warn the user. It will use the .net version compare.
    Example value: "07.02.00"
Tags for this feature
Apps DNN/DotNetNuke new in 6.x new in 8.x