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Formulas affecting Groups of Fields

We'll show you examples where formulas can be applied to change visibility, collpased, Help Text and more.

Important: Now using Formulas V2 🆕 in 2sxc 16

Formulas V2 has intellisense, stoppability, support for promises and more.

Try it:

    This formula determines the visibility of the Advanced settings group. The group becomes visible, when the Advanced toggle is active.

    Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

    Formulas of FormulasVisibleGroup.AdvancedSettings

    Field.Settings.Visible (Formula-Target: Field.Settings.Visible)

    v2((data) => {
      return data.Advanced == true;

    Try it:

      This formula changes the Name of the PersonGroup field. The name becomes Person - Profile complete if all group fields are filled out and Person - Profile incomplete if not.

      Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

      Formulas of FormulasTextSummary.PersonGroup

      Field.Settings.Name (Formula-Target: Field.Settings.Name)

      v2((data) => {
        if (data.Firstname != "" && data.Lastname != "" && data.Address != "")
          return "Person - Profile complete";
        return "Person - Profile incomplete"

      Try it:

        This formula changes the Name of the ProductGroup field. The name becomes "Product ✅" if all group fields are filled out and "Product ✏️" if not.

        Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

        Formulas of FormulasEmojiSummary.ProductGroup

        Field.Settings.Name (Formula-Target: Field.Settings.Name)

        v2((data) => {
          if (data.Name != "" && data.Pricing != null) {
            return "Product ✅";
          return "Product ✏️";

        Try it:

        prefill:ProductCode=n0t0k code


            This formula adds a help text based on the ProductCode Field text. If the ProductCode field contains n0t0k the helptext gets this added: This product code is deprecated. Please request a new product code.  If it contains spaces the helptext gets this added: Please remove all spaces from your product code.

            Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

            Formulas of FormulasHelpText.ProductCode

            Setting Notes (Formula-Target: Field.Settings.Notes)

            v2((data) => {
              const isDeprecated = data.ProductCode.includes("n0t0k");
              const hasSpaces = data.ProductCode.includes(" ");
              return (isDeprecated ? "This product code is deprecated. Please request a new product code. " : "") 
              + (hasSpaces ? "Please remove all spaces from your product code." : "");

            Try it:

              This formula determines the initial open/closed state - in this case randomly. Normally it would do this based on how complete data in that section is or based on other criterias.

              This is often used to improve initial state of a form based on how much data is already filled in.

              Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

              Formulas of FormulasRunAtStart.GroupRandomlyOpen

              Field.Settings.Collapsed (Formula-Target: Field.Settings.Collapsed)

              v2(() => {
                console.log('Formula to set Collapsed ran - will only run once.');
                // Get random true/false
                var random = Math.random() < 0.5;
                return { value: random, stop: true };