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Images and Pictures Tutorial

Tutorial HomeImages

Browser-Capabilities picture with different formats

The perfect image depends on browser capabilities. The following example will get modern browsers a webp image (which is smaller/faster) and normal browsers a jpg.

Base Class with Kit.Image

This tutorial inherits from the Custom.Hybrid.Razor14 or the Custom.Hybrid.RazorTyped base class.

This allows us to use Kit.Image to access an IScrub without having to use GetService<IImageService>.

  1. It's just a wrapper for the img
  2. You always need an img tag inside it, and this is what old browsers like IE6 will take even if they don't understand picture
  3. The img tag also caries the alt description, width, size, styles etc. which is used for all images
  4. The source tags contain rules like type or media which the browser uses to pick the best image
  5. The source also supports the same srcset and sizes just like the img tag
  6. Important: you must use srcset and not src on the source tags
  7. Important: Order matters! Put the source tags first in the order you need, as the first match will be taken.

The perfect image is often different depending on the screen size. The following example will get two different sizes, depending on the screen size. Try resizing the screen and watch the network (F12) to see when the other sizes are loaded.