This is similar to the previous example, except that the CSV file can be uploaded again and again in the App-Settings UI. So the path isn't hard-coded.
@inherits AppCode.Razor.AppRazor
@using AppCode.Data
@using ToSic.Razor.Blade
@using System.Linq
// get the query
var query = Kit.Data.GetQuery("ProductsFromCsvInAppSettings");
// get the data from the query as CsvProduct objects
var products = AsList<CsvProduct>(query.List);
// get the current product or the default - the query always selects one
// based on the URL
var current = As<CsvProduct>(query.GetStream("Current"));
@foreach (var product in products) {
<!-- this li will have class=selected if it's the current one -->
<li class='@(product == current ? "selected" : "")'>
<!-- this creates a link to the current page and product=id -->
<a href='@Link.To(parameters: MyPage.Parameters.Set("product", product.Id))'>
@product.Name (#@product.Id)
@if (product.Equals(current)) {
(<a href="@product.Link" target="_blank">find out more</a>)
Source Code of products.csv.txt
1;2sxc;A neat CMS extension for DNN;MIT;01.01.2012;
2;Koi;System to coordinate the CSS-Framework between theme and modules. ;MIT;01.06.2018;
3;Razor Blade;Helpers for common Razor task;MIT;01.02.2019;
4;Image Resizer;Automatic, amazing image Resizer;MIT;06.05.2013;
Source Code of CsvProduct.cs
namespace AppCode.Data
/// <summary>
/// A strong-typed data model for data from the CSV.
/// </summary>
public class CsvProduct: Custom.Data.CustomItem
public string Name => _item.String("Name");
public string Description => _item.String("Description");
public string Link => _item.String("Link");
View Configuration
This is how this view would be configured for this sample.
- Query: ProductsFromCSVDnn
Details for Products CSV
Get Current Data from CSV