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Basics: Linking and URL Parameters

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Working with Page URL Parameters

The following code will use a value from the url querystring. There are various ways to pick it up, but we recommend the cross-platform API which works in Dnn and Oqtane.

  1. Pro mode Cross-Platform (Dnn and Oqtane): @MyPage.Parameters["id"]
  2. Older mode Cross-Platform (Dnn and Oqtane): @CmsContext.Page.Parameters["id"]
  3. This would only work in Dnn: @Request.QueryString["id"]

Usually you would have somepagename?id=27 in the url, and then using @MyPage.Parameters["id"] / @CmsContext.Page.Parameters["id"] you would pick it up.
But with DNN, there is an additional processing that happens, as DNN tries to create nice URLs resulting in somepagename/id/27. But on the server, this is still treated as the ?id=27, so you still use the same method to access it.

Note that this sample uses Link.To(parameters: object.Add/Remove) to just modify the existing url, since this tutorial uses other url-parameters to pick the snippets to show. 

⬇️ Result | Source ➡️

FYI: The current url parameters are

Links to test the functionality

Reading the url parameters

  • URL contains sort w/null-check:
  • URL contains sort using Razor.Blade (this will also return false, if sort is empty):
  • Sort value from URL:
  • Put sort in a variable for further use:
  • Get sort from url, or if it doesn't exist, use a default value descending (uses Razor.Blade): descending
@inherits Custom.Hybrid.Razor14
@using ToSic.Razor.Blade

  FYI: The current url parameters are <br>

<p>Links to test the functionality</p>
  <li><a href='@Link.To(parameters: CmsContext.Page.Parameters.Remove("sort"))'>This page without <code>sort</code> url-parameter</a></li>
  <li><a href='@Link.To(parameters: CmsContext.Page.Parameters.Set("sort", "Ascending"))'>This page with additional <code>sort=ascending</code></a></li>

<p>Reading the url parameters</p>
  <li>URL contains <code>sort</code> w/null-check: <br>
    @(CmsContext.Page.Parameters["sort"] != null)
  <li>URL contains <code>sort</code> using
    <a href="" target="_blank">Razor.Blade</a>
    (this will also return false, if sort is empty): <br>
  <li>Sort value from URL: <br>
    Put <code>sort</code> in a variable for further use: <br>
      var sort = CmsContext.Page.Parameters["sort"];
    Get sort from url, or if it doesn't exist, 
    use a default value <code>descending</code> 
    (uses <a href="" target="_blank">Razor.Blade</a>):
      sort = Text.First(CmsContext.Page.Parameters["sort"], "descending");