using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class TreeFoldersAndFiles : Custom.DataSource.DataSource16
public TreeFoldersAndFiles(MyServices services) : base(services)
// The "Default" stream contains both files and folders
ProvideOut(() => {
return new List<object> {
CreateFolder("/", ""), // Root Folder
CreateFolder("/", "101"), // Subfolder 101
CreateFolder("/101", "1011"),
CreateFolder("/101", "1012"),
CreateFile("/101", "Text in 101.txt"),
CreateFolder("/", "102"), // Subfolder 102
CreateFile("/", "Test.txt"), // File in Root folder
CreateFile("/", "Image.jpg"), // File in Root Folder
ProvideOut(() => TryGetOut("Default").Where(f => !f.Get<bool>("IsFile")), name: "Folders");
ProvideOut(() => TryGetOut("Default").Where(f => f.Get<bool>("IsFile")), name: "Files");
private object CreateFile(string path, string name) {
var parentPath = path.ToLowerInvariant();
var fullPath = (parentPath + "/" + name).ToLowerInvariant();
return new {
IsFile = true,
Path = fullPath,
Title = "File " + name,
// Parent is the entity (one expected) which has a key saying they are this folder
Parent = new { Relationships = "folder:" + parentPath },
// Declare keys for anything that wants a relationship to this file
RelationshipKeys = new [] {
"file:" + fullPath, // things that explicitly need this file
"file-in:" + parentPath // the parent folder will look for all of its files
private object CreateFolder(string parent, string name) {
parent = parent.ToLowerInvariant();
var path = (parent + (parent.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + name).ToLowerInvariant();
var parentPath = (path == "/" ? "" : parent).ToLowerInvariant();
return new {
IsFile = false,
Path = path,
Title = "Folder '" + path + "'",
// Files should list all files which have this folder as parent
Files = new { Relationships = "file-in:" + path },
// Folders should list all folders which have this folder as parent
Folders = new { Relationships = "folder-in:" + path },
// Parent should point to the folder which is the parent of this folder
Parent = new { Relationships = "folder:" + path },
// Declare keys for anything that wants a relationship to this folder
RelationshipKeys = new [] {
"folder:" + path, // things that explicitly need this folder
"folder-in:" + parentPath, // the parent folder will look for all of its files