In this example, we'll start with the authors list. This is probably not ideal - as some people are not authors, but it's a good learning example. To find the books we have to navigate through Parents(...)
because in our data-model, the books reference authors, not the authors to books.
⬇️ Result | Source ➡️
Douglas Adams
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Terry Pratchett
Good Omens
co-authored by
Neil Gaiman
The Last Continent
Neil Gaiman
Good Omens
co-authored by
Terry Pratchett
George Akerlof
Raphael Müller (not an author)
Ed Hardy
@inherits Custom.Hybrid.Razor14
@using System.Linq
// Initial Code
var persons = AsList(App.Data["Persons"]);
var books = AsList(App.Data["Books"]);
@foreach (var author in persons) {
// this line would work, if Books only had people in the Authors.
// but it doesn't, there are also illustrators,
// which is why we use the second example instead
var peoplesBooks = author.Parents("Books");
var authorsBooks = author.Parents("Books", "Authors");
@author.FirstName @author.LastName
@foreach (var book in authorsBooks) {
var coAuthors = AsList(book.Authors as object)
.Where(a => a != author);
@if (coAuthors.Any()) {
<span>co-authored by
@string.Join(",", coAuthors
.Select(a => a.FirstName + " " + a.LastName))