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2sxc 16.01 LTS - Responsive ZEN-WYSIWYG and Typed Code

2sxc 16.01 features a new responsive WYSIWYG content experience, a ZEN edit experience as well as new typed code features. We're celebrating Towel Day by releasing it to the public as an LTS. 


  1. New Rich / Responsive WYSIWYG experience
  2. New ZEN edit mode
  3. List editing enhancements
  4. Evoq Workflow integration enhancements
  5. Dynamic DataSources now support relationships
  6. Enhanced Razor experience
  7. New typed Razor code to avoid dynamic pitfalls
  8. Oqtane WASM support
  9. Ca. 5 annoying bugs in 16.00 LTS fixed

New Rich / Responsive WYSIWYG

Large WYSIWYG texts as used in blogs / news regularly need images, but this poses various challenges in terms of alignment with text, image resizing and more. 

In 2sxc 16.01 we've finalized the Rich WYSIWYG experience. Resize this page to see how it works, or watch your F12-Console to see if your browser requested WEBP or JPGs. Read more about this in the Blog6 release

Zen Edit Experience

The edit UI can now be opened to only show a few fields. This is great for long WYSIWYG scenarios where you just want to work on the body and not get distracted by the clutter of the 20 other fields. 

Read more about this in the Blog6 release

List Editing Enhancements


The list-UI has gotten an upgrade allowing you to add/remove/edit directly in the list management. Thanks for sponsoring this!

evoq-logoEvoq Workflow Enhancements

2sxc has an advanced integration with Evoq Page Publishing Workflow. This just got improved, thanks to an anonymous sponsor

Enhanced Razor Experience


When writing Razor code it's common to get an error where the developer needs to have a quick look at the Insights log. Previously this was a bit hard to discover, so we changed it to automatically guide the developer to the Insights.

New Typed Razor Code

One of the great strengths of 2sxc is the dynamic objects making a lot of Razor super simple. For example, a developer writing Content.FirstName will get exactly what she expects. But with this simplicity comes a problem: Sometimes you need more control - eg. when you explicitly want an int type, or when working with LINQ or other more functional paradigms. To help with this, we've introduced loads of new features:

  1. Dynamic entities now support a long list of methods such as Content.Int("Age")
  2. A new ITypedItem exists to replace the IDynamicEntity in sophisticated scenarios. It makes advanced coding much easier, and you can still use the .Dyn property if you quickly want to be dynamic. 
  3. New helpers such as AsTyped and AsTypedList help you work with this. In many ways they are even better than AsDynamic / AsList, because there we were restricted in making improvements for compatibility reasons.

oqtane-wasmOqtane WASM Support

Oqtane is built with Blazor so it can run code both on the server as well as on the client. Previously 2sxc only supported ServerRendering mode, which is the most common today, but with 2sxc 16.01 we also support the WASM mode. 

Some Bugs fixed

2sxc 16.00 LTS was very, very stable. Yet it still had some bugs - especially one related to using Formulas as well as an Oqtane bug which was a bit ugly. These are now fixed.

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From Github Releases.

With love from Switzerland and Croatia,
iJungleboy, Tonci, Duje, Roman, Dominik, Tom


Daniel Mettler grew up in the jungles of Indonesia and is founder and CEO of 2sic internet solutions in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, an 20-head web specialist with over 800 DNN projects since 1999. He is also chief architect of 2sxc (see github), an open source module for creating attractive content and DNN Apps.

Read more posts by Daniel Mettler