Formulas had a major update with intellisense, promise-support and more.
What are Formulas?
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- Documentations with Guide
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To read about what's new, continue here...
New: Intellisense in Formulas
Formulas now have intellisense, making it easy to write them directly.
New: Promise Support
Formulas can now return promises instead of a simple value. This makes formulas which retrieve data from a backend much easier to write.
New: Stop Formulas in Code
Some formulas only need to run once, or only until a certain condition has been met. Formulas with promises often should stop after the promise was executed. You can now stop a formula at any time in code:
New: Update Values of Other Fields
Sometimes a formula should set the values of other fields. For example when a dropdown value changes, it may want to reset some other values.
New: Return Value and Promise
Sometimes you want to return a value such as "loading..." and a promise which will replace it once the data has been loaded. This is just an example, there are more things you can return on this object.
New: Show Warnings if Input is not Ideal
You can now show errors or warnings under an input field. Warnings are recommended in scenarios where the input is valid, but not recommended.
New: Lots More!
There is so much more that we can't describe it all, amongst others:
- Check if a feature of 2sxc is enabled
- Get information about the current user or app
- Detect if the current item is metadata for something else
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May the 4th be with you!
iJungleboy and Duje