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What's new in 2sxc 8.2

2sxc 8.2 was released and is now through with the first round of hot-fixes. Time to tell you what's new :)

Core Topics

  1. Architecture
    1. Removed all jQuery from all sub-components (it was previously still needed in JSPlumb)
  2. Output
    1. Updated the Image-Resizer and by default will now install the Pro-Version with advanced filters and features
    2. The better image-resizer has an awesome, powerful cache which will give blindingly fast thumbnails
  3. Multi-language: we fixed about 10 bugs related to multi-language scenarios
  4. Editing-Improvements
    1. You can now press Ctrl+S to save :)
    2. …and if something doesn't work, it will show you which fields caused trouble
    3. This is also the case when you press save on the (disabled) save button - it will tell you why it can't save.
  5. Debugging improvements
    1. JavaScript errors are now more verbose, and have better hints to let you debug them even more
    2. The package includes the PDB files (which tell the error-system what line of code was affected) which you can (manually) place in your .bin folder to get more better error messages
  6. Developing Improvements
    1. Razor is highlighted in the code-editor
    2. Updated the JSPlumb (the component which is used to design visual queries)
    3. New command in a razor-template: Permissions.UserMayEditContent will help you show/hide toolbars as needed
      Update in 10.20 - Permissions.UserMayEditContent has been discontinued. Use Edit.Enable instead. 
    4. More snippets
  7. Installation and App-Installation
    1. If you now package an app, it will include additional files (dnn-manifests etc.) so that users wanting to install it in DNN get the correct help-instructions
    2. Additional folders are now excluded, incl. bower_components
    3. Gettings-Started installation now also works with https-sites
  8. Metadata API
    1. We've enhanced the toolbar to support metadata editing (I'll blog about that some other time) - to see how it works, try out the blueimp gallery 2 and review the toolbar documentation
  9. About 50 small bugs, too numerous to mention :)

Daniel Mettler grew up in the jungles of Indonesia and is founder and CEO of 2sic internet solutions in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, an 20-head web specialist with over 800 DNN projects since 1999. He is also chief architect of 2sxc (see github), an open source module for creating attractive content and DNN Apps.

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