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Tutorial - Razor Blade (old)

Learn to user Razor Blade with real examples.

Replaced by new Tutorial

Note: we've created a new comprehensive tutorial app which contains all these samples and more. We recommend you use the Razor Tutorial instead of this app, as it will be updated when new features come out.

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Detailed Description

This demonstrates how to use the Razor Blade helper library to do things like...

  1. Set page properties like title, keywords and description
  2. Add special headers like OpenGraph or JSON-LD
  3. Remove tags from an html-string
  4. Ellipsis-crop texts with correct character-count even in special cases with & and other problems
  5. ...and way more :)

System Info

v. 01.01.00
GUID: 2cce15fd-4fe7-4f6b-ae3d-4814f5ed03b7
for 2sxc 07.02.00

All Main Versions

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