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Blog v5

A simple, elegant blog app with all the basics. Use right away or adapt to turn it into anything you want. Check out the screenshots and the live version on and then read more specs below.

Read details below

Detailed Description

So here's a fairly comprehensive list of features:

Responsive List Views
  1. home-list view with the newest entries and paging
  2. all posts or posts by tag
  3. posts by author - which also shows the authors bio
  4. posts by category - also showing additional intro / SEO text (new v3)
  5. automatic image resizing - with different rules for wide/square pictures
  6. easy to adapt the look and feel to your own needs
  7. easy extensibility to create your own views as you need them
Details view
  1. default view with post, author and tags
  2. automatic main image resizing
  3. with "read next" / "read previous" buttons giving a preview of those articles (new v3)
Content Editing
  1. In-Page editing
  2. Best of breed WYSIWYG content-editor with drag-drop image & document upload and way more
  3. Advanced content-editing using app-mashups enables you to add galleries, sliders or any other app you want with in-page editing
  4. Content-mashup also allows you to use content-templates to build your post to look awesome and in line with all other content in your web site
Very easy to customize
  1. add more fields (like color, authors-favorite-dog, short-text-for-twitter, etc.)
  2. add more views
  3. add rules to show certain things in a different way
  4. your own SEO stuff
  5. etc.
  1. Social sharing: with Open-Graph headers and Share-This integration (new v3)
  2. Multi language (new v3)

And way more. Just so you know: this blog app demonstrates many of the features of 2sxc content management, so we'll write about it a lot in our own blog (which of course is made with this blog). 

  1. The 2sxc blog
  2. Posts about this blog and about blogging

System Info

v. 05.03.01
GUID: 6f8b157e-400a-4dcb-9769-b464b94a1471
for 2sxc 12.05.00


  1. V. 05.00.00 (10/12/2021)
    1. Now hybrid and also works in Oqtane
    2. New folder Blog5 to allow side-by side install with previous versions
    3. Guid Reset to allow side-by-side install with previous version
    4. Updated to 2sxc 12.03 features like using global settings, images etc.
    5. Dropped Bootstrap3 support because of the many changes - if you need that, use the previous version 4
    6. Updated Search-mechanisms to be mostly configuration and otherwise separate from Razor as is now v12 standard
    7. Simplified Razor names to new best practices
    8. Moved all razor to bs4 to make it easier for Bootstrap5 which will come soon
  2. V. 05.01.00 (12/14/2021)
    1. optimized for Bootstrap 5
  3. V. 05.01.01 (1/5/2022)
    1. Set default view
    2. Updated License
  4. V. 05.02.00 (5/14/2022)
  5. V. 05.03.00 (7/1/2022)
    1. Latest best-practices of 2sxc 14
  6. V. 05.03.01 (9/21/2022)
    1. Increased 2sxc Requirement to 14.09

All Main Versions

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