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FAQ with Categories and 6 views

This FAQ App is great for standard FAQ-features / views, and is a great place to create your own, custom FAQ as you need it. It provides 6 FAQ-views out of the box and 2 answer-revealing effects. 

It covers all standard / basic scenarios - so you can get started immediately. But it's also very easy to customize, redesign or extend with your specific needs. By default it offers "sliding" revealing of the answer and "lightbox". You can easily extend it to offer other releaving-mechanisms. 

The most important Contents and Fields (all multilingual):

  • Categories (with Name)
  • QandA
    • Question (text)
    • Answer (wysiwyg)

The App features many great views out of the box. The most important:

  1. Simple list of questions and answers
  2. Complex list containing a category-filter dropdown and filtering the questions (AJAX)
  3. A view which shows all questions of a specific category
  4. A view which shows existing questions - which you picked manually
  5. A view showing all categories and linking to a page...
  6. ...which would then show a view with all questions of that category (url parameter)

All multilingual and easy to customize. 

System Info

v. 01.03.00
GUID: 12c4f180-8c08-497e-8c33-734e19788c16


All Main Versions

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