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Mobius Forms 3 with Polymorph, Weback and More

Mobius Forms is a online form, which can be customized to be everything. The basic concept is:

  1. you create a form using standard html
  2. submit works with a javascript, which sends it to the web-api
  3. the web-api creates a data-item of the type you want, and sends various e-mails
  4. you can easily customize whatever you want, because it's all in simple code

Check out the screenshots to see what it can do and how you can customize it:

Read details below

Detailed Description

Note that instructions for customizing can be found in the Mobius Forms Wiki and as recipes. Here some more features/highlights:

  1. Razor E-Mail Templates allow you to create e-mails with custom logic for any kind of mail you need
  2. File upload allows your forms to also have file-picker fields
  3. Mailchimp support out-of-the box for all forms - so you can create support-request forms and similar and just add a checkbox to also register the users in MailChimp (new in 3.0)
  4. Polymorph support, so you can make changes to forms on a live site without affecting the production form (new in 3.0)
  5. Webpack support for your custom JS and CSS (new in 3.0)
  6. Recipes to get started on

System Info

v. 03.00.00
GUID: 74c59dba-8e66-463a-b6fc-752b98c71a57
for 2sxc 09.35.00

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