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News for 2sxc v4

This news app is all you need for your DNN (DotNetNuke) News. It's a lot like an articles-module but more powerful, and super-easy to customize and extend.

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Detailed Description

The app has features like

  1. List / Details as you expect
  2. Top-News extract (for the home page or similar)
  3. Multi-language, with German and English already included
  4. Multi-CSS Framework using Koi - already optimized for Bootstrap 3 and 4
  5. Super easy to extend with more fields for anything you need
  6. Super easy to customize the output using Razor
  7. Super-easy to change what news are shown using visual query

It offers hundreds of tiny features as you'll discover, like

  • Dates to restrict show from/till to archive old news automatically
  • News categories for filtering
  • Image resizer with dynamic hotspot (so the resized image always shows the important parts)
  • ...and way more :)

System Info

v. 04.01.01
GUID: 4dd408f7-effc-4e8b-ab55-d8282c9a82ea
for 2sxc 11.00.00

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Are you new to DNN-Apps?

If this is the first time you've seen DNN-Apps and would like to try one - just install 2sxc first, then install this app inside it.