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Compare Images v2 (before/after)

This is a simple 2-image compare app showing various outputs. The most popular will be the sliding-bar output which looks like this:

Read details below

Detailed Description

This App allows you to show the user 2 images overlaid - and the user can move a bar to reveal more of the first or the second image as he wants to. This is ideal for comparing images, typically before/after and similar. 

This App is very easy to customize / redesign as you need it.

  1. has various templates like images-only, images with text
  2. keeps track of the images with the DNN-FileID, so image-rename or Image-move won't break the output
  3. uses Token templates, so even admins can install it without host permissions

The sliding-view uses the Open-Source Beerslider by pehaa.

System Info

v. 02.17.00
GUID: 6676ab99-e22f-4cab-a0ba-394f15e5d6c8
for 2sxc 12.05.00


  1. V. 02.00.00 (10/11/2021)
  2. V. 02.00.01 (1/5/2022)

    1. Enabled ajax-loading
    2. Set default view
    3. Updated License

  3. V. 02.01.00 (6/15/2022)
  4. V. 02.02.00 (7/1/2022)
    1. Replaced all base classes with their 2sxc 14 equivalents
    2. Removed all GetService<> and replaced them with the new ServiceKit14
    3. Updated webpack
  5. V. 02.02.01 (9/21/2022)
    1. Increased 2sxc Requirement to 14.09
  6. V. 02.04.00 (9/21/2022)
    1. 2sxc 16 Standards
    2. Refactoring and clean up
  7. V. 02.17.00 (5/6/2024)
    1. Strong Typed
    2. Auto Generated Class
    3. Typed MyItem

All Main Versions

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If this is the first time you've seen DNN-Apps and would like to try one - just install 2sxc first, then install this app inside it.