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Awesome Swiper JS Slider

We created a new slider app which has 3D and Parallax effects - enjoy!

Demos please

Simple Swiper

Example Slide

Example Description

Blog 4.0


Parallax Swiper


Example Slide

Example Description

3D Cube Swiper

Example Slide

Example Description

We think it's quite awesome ❤


Cover Flow Swiper

We think it's quite awesome ❤

Example Slide

Example Description


Cover-Flow Showing More Images

How it Works

Internally it uses the amazing SwiperJS library (BTW: without jQuery 🤫). It's super-simple to edit, multilanguage, you name it. Here some more details:

  1. Automatic image resizing and cropping to your desired focus point on the image
  2. Many pre-configured effects, but you can easily add additional Swiper configurations for more effects
  3. Options for light / dark images which optimizes the overlay
  4. Very cool Parallax effect 😎
  5. Works with multiple swipers on the same page
  6. Positioning options for the overlays
  7. Touch and Mobile optimized
  8. Auto-Play features
  9. Editors can configure the most basic settings (speed, autoplay, etc.)
  10. Automatic Size Ratio like 16:9 etc. which is respected on mobile and desktop
  11. Uses in-page list editing for awesome UX (new feature in 2sxc 11.1)
  12. Web-Designers can configure EVERYTHING 🚀
  13. All settings are stacked, so slide settings override slider-settings, which override app-settings

Get it Now

Hope you love it - do leave comments below. Download from the App-Catalog or Github

Greets from Switzerland,
iJungleboy and Roman

Daniel Mettler grew up in the jungles of Indonesia and is founder and CEO of 2sic internet solutions in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, an 20-head web specialist with over 800 DNN projects since 1999. He is also chief architect of 2sxc (see github), an open source module for creating attractive content and DNN Apps.

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