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View Name to Switch Views based on URL

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Introduced in Version 06.06.00
Now any view can have a name in the URL - so that a module showing that App can easily change between views just by adding "Details" or "CategoryList" to the URL. Simple and powerful. 

At the moment I can't explain much more - just try the settings. 

Important to understand: 2-Keys

Since DNN rewrites the URL and always maps 2 values with xxx/yyy to xxx=yyy in the background, the key to activating a separate view must contain 2 values like Details/House or Categories/List

Because often the Details-View itself expects a further parameter (like a Details ID) you can also write Details/.* - this means that if the URL contains Details and another parameter of any value, it will also enable the Details view. 

Tags for this feature
new in 6.x For beginners Token Apps