Now there is a DataSource called SqlDataSource which can do amazing stuff like
- Simple to configure
- Automatically uses Configuration-Providers to retrieve things like ModuleId, QueryString parameters and more
- Creates entities for further use (pipelines, JSON-streaming, and more)
Give it a try - the full demo is in the SQL Data Demo App.
Code sample with the official SQL Data-Source
@using ToSic.Eav.DataSources
// Default data initialization - should be the place to write data-retrieval code
// In the future when routing & pipelines are fully implemented, this will usually be an external configuration-only system
// For now, it's done in a normal event, which is automatically called by the razor host in 2SexyContent
public override void CustomizeData()
var source = CreateSource<SqlDataSource>();
// source.TitleField = "EntityTitle"; // not necessary, default
// source.EntityIdField = "EntityId"; // not necessary, default
// source.ConnectionString = "..."; // not necessary, we're using the ConnectionStringName on the next line
source.ConnectionStringName = Content.ConnectionName;
// Special note: I'm not selecting * from the DB, because I'm activating JSON and want to be sure that no secret data goes out
source.SelectCommand = "Select Top 10 FileId as EntityId, FileName as EntityTitle, Extension, PublishedVersion, Size, UniqueId, FileName FROM Files WHERE PortalId = @PortalId";
source.Configuration.Add("@PortalId", Dnn.Portal.PortalId.ToString());
Data.In.Add("FileList", source.Out["Default"]);
<br />
<div class="sc-element">
<h1>Automatic 2sxc Pipeline SqlDataSource</h1>
<p>This demo uses the 2sxc Pipeline (req. 2sxc 6.0.6+). More info <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
<h2>The top 10 files in this portal as returned by the Pipeline</h2>
@foreach (var file in AsDynamic(Data.In["FileList"]))
Code sample using PetaPoco
// for PetaPoco you must first create a class containing the fields you want
private class fileRecord
public int FileId { get; set; }
public string FileName { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public int FolderId { get; set; }
private IEnumerable<fileRecord> files;
// Official place to provide data preparation. Is automatically called by 2SexyContent
public override void CustomizeData()
var sqlCommand = "Select Top 10 * from Files Where PortalId = @0"; // PetaPoco requires numbered parameters like @0 instead of @PortalId
var db = new PetaPoco.Database(Content.ConnectionName);
files = db.Query<fileRecord>(sqlCommand, Dnn.Portal.PortalId);
<div class="sc-element">
<h1>Simple Demo with PetaPoco Data access</h1>
<p>This demo uses PetaPoco as a mini-ORM to get the data. More info on <a href="" target="_blank">PetaPoco here</a>.</p>
<h2>The top 10 files found in this portal as returned by PetaPoco</h2>
@foreach (var file in files)
<li>@file.FileName (@file.FileId)</li>
Code sample with a DataTable (no DataSource)
@using System.Configuration
@using System.Data
@using System.Data.SqlClient
private DataTable fileTable = new DataTable();
// Official place to provide data preparation. Is automatically called by 2SexyContent
public override void CustomizeData()
var conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Content.ConnectionName].ToString();
const string sqlCommand = "Select Top 10 * from Files Where PortalId = @PortalId";
var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand, conString);
adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PortalId", Dnn.Portal.PortalId);
// for the demo, apply some operation to the data
fileTable.DefaultView.Sort = "FileName DESC";
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<h1>Simple Demo with DataTable access</h1>
<p>This demo accesses the data by filling it into a DataTable. </p>
<h2>The top 10 files found in this portal with reverse sorting</h2>
@foreach (DataRow row in fileTable.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows)
<h2>The top 10 files found in this portal as returned from DB</h2>
@foreach (DataRow row in fileTable.Rows)
Code Sample with DataReader
@using System.Configuration
@using System.Data.SqlClient
private SqlDataReader myReader;
// Official place to provide data preparation. Is automatically called by 2SexyContent
public override void CustomizeData()
var conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Content.ConnectionName].ToString();
var con = new SqlConnection(conString);
var command = new SqlCommand("Select Top 10 * from Files Where PortalId = @PortalId", con);
command.Parameters.Add("@PortalId", Dnn.Portal.PortalId);
myReader = command.ExecuteReader();
<div class="sc-element">
<h1>Simple Demo using DataReader access</h1>
<p>This demo accesses the data directly, uses a SQL parameter for the PortalId then shows the first 10 files it finds. More intro-material for direct database access in this <a href="" target="_blank">article on codeplex</a>.</p>
<h2>The top 10 files found in this portal</h2>
@while (myReader.Read())