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Swiper - Image-Slider Pro with Parallax, 3D Cubes, CoverFlow and more (Hybrid Dnn/Oqtane)

An awesome slider / carousel based on SwiperJs. It has 8 pre-configured animations and you can create many more. 

Read the release-blog to find out more ;)

Read details below

Detailed Description

  1. Automatic image resizing and cropping to your desired focus point on the image
  2. Many pre-configured effects, but you can easily add additional Swiper configurations for more effects
  3. Options for light / dark images which optimizes the overlay
  4. Very cool Parallax effect 😎
  5. Works with multiple swipers on the same page
  6. Positioning options for the overlays
  7. Touch and Mobile optimized
  8. Auto-Play features
  9. Editors can configure the most basic settings (speed, autoplay, etc.)
  10. Automatic Size Ratio like 16:9 etc. which is respected on mobile and desktop
  11. Uses in-page list editing for awesome UX (new feature in 2sxc 11.1)
  12. Web-Designers can configure EVERYTHING 🚀
  13. All settings are stacked, so slide settings override slider-settings, which override app-settings

System Info

v. 02.00.00
GUID: ff3acff6-ec03-4612-aace-47bb54fe1c8d
for 2sxc 12.00.00

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