There are the following field types (and each has various configurations which affect how the user can edit the data):
- String = Text (single-line text, multi-line text, wysiwyg-text)
- Numbers (with or without decimals, also used for GPS etc.)
- Hyperlink / File - for referencing a link, image, document etc.
- Entity = Content-Item - for referencing one or many other items (like tags, authors, etc.)
- Boolean - yes / no
- DateTime - any date-time combination
Field Type String (Text)
Commonly used for things like
- Titles
- Short texts
- Multiline, unformatted texts
- Multiline, formated texts (WYSIWYG)
The input can be simple text boxes, multiline text boxes, drop-downs and WYSIWYG.
Relevant Settings
- Input Type (unformatted, WYSYWYG, drop-down)
- Row Count (relevant if you want unformatted text or drop-down)
- Automatic Validition (applies some RegEx if desired)
- RegEx Server Side / Client Side: separate fields, because the syntax often differs a bit
- Dropdown Values (list of values used in the dropdown, if using key/value pairs, separate with a colon ":" like "Label:Value"
- WYSIWYG Height / Width
Field Type Number
Can be used for things like
- Simple numbers
- Numbers with decimal-digits
- GPS-Coordinates
Relevant Settings
- Number of decimals
- Minimum value (for example, if a number should never be smaller than 1970)
- Maximum value (eg. 2013)
Date and Time
no relevant settings to explain.
Note that the output-template will usually choose to show only the date, only the time etc. So it's the same data-field no matter what you're actually entering.
Hyperlink (File, Image, Download, Link)
Relevant Settings
- File Filter (list of extensions allowed in file/image picker)
- Paths (root paths for the picker dialog - ideal if you want all images for this Content-Type to be in the same folder)
- Use the syntax foldername - without "/" in front to specify a subfolder of the portal-root. Examples are "Apps" or "Gallery" or "Employees/Photos"
- You can also use subfolders - that would be "Employees/Photos"
- Always remember that this folder must already exist, and DNN must know that it is visible (readable) by the editing user. There are cases where the security settings were not set correctly in dnn - then the file picker won't show anything.
- Dialog Type (document or image picker)
- Further dialogs allowed (will show these in the drop-down under the more button)
- Show Adam (new in 8.5)
- Show Page Picker
- Show File Manager
- Show Image Manager
- Buttons (new in 8.5) will let you specify which buttons are visible directly. The default is "adam,more" but you could also do "adam,page,more" or just "page". File / image are currently not supported, because as of now, DNN doesn't have a good image/file browser so we discourage its use.
Things to know:
- the hyperlink will usually just keep a "File:53" reference, but will always return a full link when used in templates.
- You can add additional parameters behind a file-id, like "File:720?w=…&h=333#" - this allows you to add further image-resizing parameters
No relevant settings to be configured.
What you should know: when using Tokens, a boolean values is converted to lower-case, to be JavaScript-like. So it will be true and false and not True/False.
Entity (Relationship)
- AllowMultiValue - allow more that 1 item to be selected.
- EntityType - the name of entities you can select. For example "Tag" would only offer tag-entities in the drop-down
What you should know: when using Tokens, a boolean values is converted to lower-case, to be JavaScript-like. So it will be true and false and not True/False.